Thursday, September 28, 2006

Kids With Cameras

Kids with camera

This has been a non profit organization that I have been patronizing for the past 2 years. Recently, they launched their latest edition of coffeetable book. This book showcases photographs taken by kids , that have benefited from their humanitarian and artistic act. These kids are from Calcutta, Haiti, Jerusalen and Cairo. Some of which , are taken be kids that were brought up in brothels.

Their coffee table book can be puchased online at USS95 [ S$170] , inclusive of shipping and handling charges. It will take about a month to arrive. All proceeds from book sales support Kids with Cameras in fulfilling its mission.

Click below to know more about the mission and direction of this organization.

Kids With Cameras

Monday, September 25, 2006

A hiatus from the blogging world

It has been a while since I last wrote. Between now and then, work and life has been keeping me at bay.

I used to love to write about the sillest thing that happen to me. It makes me squeak in joy to be able to write down my emotions in words. To vocalise whatever I could not, with aplomb.

With my online journals, my social life gets more vibrant than it used to be. I make many sweet mates. Through each and every one of them, I learn more about myself , my strength , my vices.

And through me , I hope all took a portion of my positivity , a dose of my cockiness along with them. I have nothing more to offer than what I already can.

I am taking a hiatus from blogging. I will continue to update my sites on whatever that stirs my interest. Nothing more than superfluous.

Its not a bad thing afterall. Perhaps I have learn to vocalise my thoughts more than to write in words.
Till then.

Let me live my fabulous life outside blogging . :=)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Vogue Sept 06 by Annie Leibovitz

Kirsten Dunst
I am going to buy that bag if I abstain from spending for the coming two weekends. I have been thinking of it a lot .....Dun care

Friday, September 08, 2006

“The visions you experience exist within your consciousness.
The forms they take are determined by your past attachments, your past fears,
your past desires.
These visions have no reality outside your consciousness.
[L]et them pass. “ - Tibetan Book of The Dead

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Leo Ku new album

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

側田 - 情歌
作曲:雷頌德 填詞:林夕 編曲:雷頌德 監製:雷頌德

為了愛我真受夠傷 但有過愛的分享
為了每次打敗仗 我哭得最響
沒有博愛的技倆 有幾好亦自量
不去用腦想 牽掛又會有幾傷

*聽遍最浪漫纏綿的歌 聽幾多次也落淚的歌
 我才明愛恨因果 懂得心痛要恭賀
 興奮妒忌苦惱怨恨完全憑心魔 然而無論有幾多愛錯
 那紀念屬我 開心比苦惱多*

 情像一首歌 可一總可再
 失戀後幸運在能重頭戀愛 付出過偉大到放開#


 人存在世上 若要悲壯過 便投入愛海 沒有害△

怕接觸痛苦 白過都活該 誰亦未信 首先相信愛


知不知錯 亦但求被愛
苦戀的 大概與某個他比賽
單戀的 設法參透怎去活到死也要戀愛



The Antics of Globalization

: the act or process of globalizing : the state of being globalized; especially : the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets

Especially in this isle, our society befits the survival in the rut of a globalized market. We seize the right chance , calculate the probability and almost have the right to lead our lifes curled in the barcelona bed , warped in our ghettos. Almost.

It’s time for confession. My two hands are up. I am one of the four million smiles. My indulgent lifestyle and all of my work associates reaped the fruit of globalization in ten folds.

We get to travel to and live in some continents with a million squatters. Not forgetting our huge Spohie Loren shades, we click our cameras away , mersmerized by the raw landscape. We packed our trolley bags , flooded with almost beautiful memories. Almost.

There is a small problem. Not exactly this minor. We overlooked the people that were duped by globalization. Workers who weaved countless luxuries , though never in their possesion. We start to muse if globalization has brought a whole new meaning to slavery.

Netizen , like myself , purporting our time on net conferences, tapping into an array of informations. With my two feets up [as well] this round, I snubbed my nose , stemming interest in the grotesque lives of strangers. Its the end. Our lives are predestined for such.

I love Google. So does Babe , Storm Trooper and all my loved ones. Did we put “ Macdonald + Tyson Chicken + Texas farmers “ on the google bar ever? Did we miss out the big picture. Have we compromise with our ignorance ?

More than half the time , I am guilty as charged. I must have the time to find more on what’s wrong in the world outside us. Almost too busy. Almost.

We donated to the richest non profit organization in town. There had been an expose. We were scummed. They were outrageous. We are exploited. We were in the dark. We do not know. Really we do not - there are poorer people that we can help. They have never lived in our world. Now , to start , all we need is to find where we put that fifty dollar bill to. All we need is Google. Yes indeed. My best friend is Google.

Do not be misled. I am not a saint. I love my Bottega totes. And I swear by haute couture.

That doesnt mean I let slip my part in poverty-fighting.

I just do it My Way.