Friday, January 07, 2005

iChine- 寂寞不能入眠的黑夜

I never tried blogging online till i was aware of fridae a year back.
Prior to this, i penned all my thots,happiness, fear and aspirations in
my quaint black book.

I always aspires to be a writer or a poet. Or I have always look at them
full of admiration. They are able to perceive the surroundings in a different
shade of light. To be able to metaphor-size them into beautiful words. Just
like magic. That people could feel for the words without visual aids.

I aspire to be one in my old age. When material fulfillment ceased to quench
this superficial mind of mine.

The past few months have been with blips, more often than i could handle.
However, i REFUSED to let them crush me. But to take it with my head tilt
high, grinning more when i am teetering even more inside. To tell the
world that i will not be puny and weak.

Audience., let me tell you, its a tough task, trying to convince yourself, esp
when there are times when your Bionic confidence fails.

Current mood : Crappy


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