Saturday, January 08, 2005


" Where would you want to settle down when you are old?"
This seems to be in twilight years later but i was chatting
with a fren online and it spurs me into penning my opinion
"of course i want to be here, where all my family and loved
ones are." he chirped.

As for myself, i do think otherwise.

I was raised in a workaholic themed environment, where
work commitments run deep and precede over other 'trivial
issues'. As such, i was never physically or emotionally close
to any of my folks. Its nothing to whine about. Just how things
operate in my family.

As for loved ones..who are they exactly?
The current ones, passe ones, or the coming ones.

My idea of the prefect aging in happiness, if not in grace:

To wake up. Go for gym. Buy flowers for the house.
Enjoy my cup-pa whilst reading the daily news.
Get to work that i have passion in.
Meet up with frens for dinner or
munching a sandwich while reading a book in a cafe before
retiring for the night.

On weekends, good movies is a sure must with the usual
weekly gossips at tea.

And yes.No more sex drive. No more dominance of the brain
by the aging willie.

That is what i want. In hypothetical context, i reckon. I can even picture
this while i am typing away now.


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