Friday, March 04, 2005

iDiversity in Unity

The Pic , attached to this blog, shows J and my nightly reads, before bedtime.

It goes without saying that seroius J is reading " The millionaire next door" whilst i am reading " Shopaholic and Sis." :-) [So thrashy that its embarassing to reveal that's my choice of night read] Well, anyway, that's my choice.Love to read corny preppy stuff before bedtime. Nothing to intense or mind boggling.

* * * * *

" Love IS and WILL NEVER be easy.Only Lust is." wat i text babe this afternoon. J and I have a weeny bit of tiff.Over differences.

I am constantly amazed how similar and vastly different dar J and I are. I am this self obsessed workaholic with no pretext to compromise. { Hmm.. is that desciption too harsh on myself? }

Anyway, i was 'mildly' peeved when i couldnt get my work documents printed in his Chinese Windows Environment.And when i picked him up for lunch this afternoon, he frustrates me over some issues.

Accumulating other work frustrations as well, i blew my top. I gave him my beastly 'cold turkey' treatment that i am superbly capable of.
{ i feel so bad while i blog and recount on wat i did}

Hmmm..when he left after lunch dejectedl. Both our moods were blown.

I guess i still have lots to learn. For the past 7 years of life, i had been almost on my own. Being my own muse ,friend and punchbag.

Letting someone into your life. Seeing your flaws in microscopic view is super daunting!

I guess it takes a tad more time for myself to adjust.

Current mood : Fused


Blogger moonx said...

juz like life, being in a relationship is a perpetual learning process.
so juz take things as it comes and learn from mistakes. we are humans afterall.

similarities are what attract you to one another. yet, differences are very necessary too, to keep yourself sane, and to be able to continue to live as you are, even when 2 become 1.
at the end of the day, it's a matter of adapting and accomodating, and fine-tuning to each other's needs.

love ya... hugz...

March 04, 2005 7:25 PM  
Blogger moonx said...

not sure if u have seen this, but here's ur horoscope forecast for the year... ;)
If you want a motto for 2005, the best one to adopt would be "go with the flow." 2005 will be a year of ups and downs, and only the flexible will be able to keep from going crazy! All Aries natives may have to tighten their belts and curb their desire for constant expansion. You may need to play it cool and curb your spending. You'll be among the first to seize upon new societal trends to create new opportunities for yourself, as your creativity will be at an all-time high. You will be more eloquent and persuasive than usual, and others will identify enthusiastically with your vision. If you want to start a new creative project or business venture, your imagination will be working overtime. 2005 could find you doing well career-wise - and aspiring to climb even higher.

March 04, 2005 8:53 PM  

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