Cirque do Soleil

I watched Algeria during my birthday 3 years back. Wow..time flies. They are back again. Think I wanna watch, provided i am still in S'pore then.
i receive another offer to work in China , 3 days back. It seems enticing enough. The pay, some new job scope, and a nice enough boss [ i think..] and , most importantly,a new environment. Anyway, it's still under sketch. The package will be outlined next week. I have been giving it serious thinking ,abt this, the last couple of days. I just want to outweigh the pros and cons. not so much of only this, but more of whether i really want to leave this place permanently or am i just going thru a down period.
The past half a year has been filled with too much ups and downs. The highlight of CNY and the Bangkok trip . Gosh..i miss that. The downs are way too many, not really worth sharing wif you folks. I reckon Life can never quite reach a equilibrium in everything. With the run of these ups and downs, i grasp a better understanding of myself. Some truth hurts, some haunts, some makes me a better man.
On a lighter note, i went to catch a movie today. Bilmey! Its a whooping $9.50 now! I watched Monster in Law. Light hearted and predictable. J.Lo cant act [ and she should fire her stylist in the movie..yikes!!] but thumbs up for Jane Fonda! And the male lead is so hot!! Yummy!
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