Whatever Cafe

Whatever Cafe@Keong Saik Road
Was reading and doing house chores for the whole day when a friend of mine, John, called. He insisted that i should not coop myself at home and have dinner with him instead. We went to this vegeterian food + yoga + books + astrology place. Its quite good.Check the website out. [ J, think u will like it. near ur place]
Anyway, the book that has kept me awake last night and reading thru out the whole morning is Mo Hayder 's Tokyo. My first attempt on reading her books. Its fascinating. I just booked two other of her books online:-)
Are loneliness and being alone a single entity? I thought abt this today, while talking to John. I think one is a subset of the other, though i realized that it doesnt have to coexist. I did a lot of self reflections lately. During this two weeks of break from work. I reflected on my direction in life, my fears, my friends and past entanglements. I hate to admit this but most often than not, i do not express myself well to most, esp to the ones i love dearly. I will rather be misunderstood than to clarify. Its my way of handling wif stuffs.
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