Tired Day
I just got home. Went to watch Sin city with Kian & elmo. The shots were great but storyline was bland. I , especially , like the music arrangement and Jessica Alba. But too gory..
Had lunch with both babe and kian today. We were chatting and started to chat on our future plans.Babe shot me this " Work and money is not everything, sweetie" . And it has been ringing in my ears since. Do we take on the blood of our parents. Are our lifestyle, inevitably, engineered genetically? When both of them agree to consensus, it mildly freaked me. My folks , basically , soaked themselves in work and end up with a collapsed marriage. I cringed whenever i think of it. But unknowingly, it seems that i am living this life as well. Kinda saddens me today though i didnt really show it. [ Of course , both of you were great company]
At this very moment, i miss Leong terribly. I have never mention ,anything more than a brief ,abt him to anyone. Cause it sounds so insanely wrong and silly.Not sure whether he is reading this, but i just have to vex it out.
He is Mr Anonymous. The one that sent me texts and bday greetings a few months back.
After J and I parted, there was a period in which i shut myself from everyone. He was my source of strength. We started MSN-ing, and progress to phonecalls. It may be simply a hoax but he can feel where my insecurities and weariness was coming from. It was soothing. There were times that he could feel my frustration without my voicing it out. However, he has his own reservations. In last June, that just passed, he headed off to Vietnam for a 2 yr work stint. He has to go for the passion he feel for his work. I can feel that streak in him..enough said. I am feeling a bit emotional as i am penning this down.
The point that i am making out here is - Work will be somewhat secondary when I met the right one. I am game for the sacrifices. But will there be that one ? I still cherish that gleam of hope in it.
My new fave song in my iPod Playlist.
歌手:許志安, 葉德嫻 | 作曲:雷頌德
填詞:黃偉文 | 編曲:雷頌德
回去 回去找 命裡的 伴侶
別叫他(她) 為你等 下去
待你好 是我不 規矩 我有罪
其實不對 但我想試下去
是否會變 合拍的一對
你別賠罪 如無我准許
怎麼會 闖得進 情慾禁區
願你先撇下我 就當我遭遇橫禍
從此永訣像隔著河 遙望你
跟他(她)的 未來是 那樣諧和
沒我做負荷 該輕鬆更多
尚有她愛護我 難道你拂袖離座
留低愛侶 拋開枷鎖
餘孽太多 還何苦出錯
完美裡那美中不足 會是我
明晚 難免的 難過的 時間
沒我呵 若你不 習慣
下了班 就與他(她) 歸家 吃晚飯
情話很冷 越對感覺越淡
萬千怨偶 共處的悲嘆
接受平淡 誰人有得揀
溫馨過 總好過 長住雪山
*願你先撇下我 未到結束便離座
來日你 安穩的 共兒孫 看著銀河
漫天的星火 想得起我麼
下半生各自過 仍在記憶內留座
懷中有過 盛開花朵
除掉結果 其餘得到過
常記掛那美中不足 會是我*
Had lunch with both babe and kian today. We were chatting and started to chat on our future plans.Babe shot me this " Work and money is not everything, sweetie" . And it has been ringing in my ears since. Do we take on the blood of our parents. Are our lifestyle, inevitably, engineered genetically? When both of them agree to consensus, it mildly freaked me. My folks , basically , soaked themselves in work and end up with a collapsed marriage. I cringed whenever i think of it. But unknowingly, it seems that i am living this life as well. Kinda saddens me today though i didnt really show it. [ Of course , both of you were great company]
At this very moment, i miss Leong terribly. I have never mention ,anything more than a brief ,abt him to anyone. Cause it sounds so insanely wrong and silly.Not sure whether he is reading this, but i just have to vex it out.
He is Mr Anonymous. The one that sent me texts and bday greetings a few months back.
After J and I parted, there was a period in which i shut myself from everyone. He was my source of strength. We started MSN-ing, and progress to phonecalls. It may be simply a hoax but he can feel where my insecurities and weariness was coming from. It was soothing. There were times that he could feel my frustration without my voicing it out. However, he has his own reservations. In last June, that just passed, he headed off to Vietnam for a 2 yr work stint. He has to go for the passion he feel for his work. I can feel that streak in him..enough said. I am feeling a bit emotional as i am penning this down.
The point that i am making out here is - Work will be somewhat secondary when I met the right one. I am game for the sacrifices. But will there be that one ? I still cherish that gleam of hope in it.
My new fave song in my iPod Playlist.
歌手:許志安, 葉德嫻 | 作曲:雷頌德
填詞:黃偉文 | 編曲:雷頌德
回去 回去找 命裡的 伴侶
別叫他(她) 為你等 下去
待你好 是我不 規矩 我有罪
其實不對 但我想試下去
是否會變 合拍的一對
你別賠罪 如無我准許
怎麼會 闖得進 情慾禁區
願你先撇下我 就當我遭遇橫禍
從此永訣像隔著河 遙望你
跟他(她)的 未來是 那樣諧和
沒我做負荷 該輕鬆更多
尚有她愛護我 難道你拂袖離座
留低愛侶 拋開枷鎖
餘孽太多 還何苦出錯
完美裡那美中不足 會是我
明晚 難免的 難過的 時間
沒我呵 若你不 習慣
下了班 就與他(她) 歸家 吃晚飯
情話很冷 越對感覺越淡
萬千怨偶 共處的悲嘆
接受平淡 誰人有得揀
溫馨過 總好過 長住雪山
*願你先撇下我 未到結束便離座
來日你 安穩的 共兒孫 看著銀河
漫天的星火 想得起我麼
下半生各自過 仍在記憶內留座
懷中有過 盛開花朵
除掉結果 其餘得到過
常記掛那美中不足 會是我*
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