Saturday, September 17, 2005

Its great to be feeling better!

Its great. To be alive , happy and healthy. Not alive and half dead [or wishing to be] .

My bumps are no longer killing me with the itch. Though my hideous face and body is driving me nuts. But heck it,for now, i am just glad its getting better.

There were much frustration. Lots of deadlines screaming to be met.
A determined heart + A clouded mind+A frail body= no miracles.
Gave up after stubborn me tried to squeeze in a bit of work on the first day of the c.pox eruption.

Body was churning the red light. The fever was ever persisting. Donned with more than 3 piece of drudgery clothing, i tried to garner some rest. The helluva part was that i could neither sleep nor keep myself awake. I was adrift on the twilights.

Sweet Kian brought in dinner everyday but everything tasted exactly like those yucky tablets which i consumed every four-hourly. Ohh..arghh..Plus the even-more-yucky fever pills..

it got better on thursday. I got my 15 hours sleep. The afternoons were spent listening to news whilst doing a bit of housework. Watching sitcoms and all the rest of the evening crap chinno telly prog on air.

It has been a long time. Reckon my tv watching day ended when i left home. I cut TV out of my life. Its kinda therapeutic , for now, to watch it and laugh it off with kian, when he is around.

I also did a bit of soul searching these few days. Not gonna talk about it. Think actions should precede words.

Darn..Its hot and sunny outside but I dun think i am bronzing under the not-so-tuscan sun for at least two more weeks.

Gonna nap again :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heard that Pinetarsol relieves itching and helps to get rid of scars. you can try that. its available in guardian pharmacys. hope you feel better soon. anyway im just a passerby.

September 19, 2005 1:19 AM  
Blogger The Aspiring Himbo said...

Thank you. I will get it when i am able to get out of the hse. :-)

September 20, 2005 4:01 PM  

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