Busy week. Busy month.
i am going to buy ticket for Rent tomorrow !

Finalised my schedule for the next two months today. My schedule for the next two months are really exciting :
1. Bangkok with Dorothy, Janet , Tony and Luck - 26th Oct to 30th Oct '05
2. Melborne + Sydney with Dessie Gal and his beau - 15th Nov to 29th Nov'05
3. Hongkong for work + 4 days of major shopping therapy - 7th Dec to 16th Dec'05
I am supposed to go to Hongkong for work on 22nd Oct but i gave a white lie to my HK boss..I have really wanted to meet Dorothy and the rest in Bangkok this round. Its a rare opportunity for all of us to take leave at the same block. Besides, this is luck's first trip to Bangok! I am supposed to plan the shopping itinerary , tony in charge of gourmet and Dorothy with Janet - a swanky hotel ! I miss all of them , esp dorothy and Janet. Didnt catch up with them previously as dorothy was admitted to hospital and Janet was busy tending to her.
But before all these holidays, I am going to work hard at work and give my best!

Finalised my schedule for the next two months today. My schedule for the next two months are really exciting :
1. Bangkok with Dorothy, Janet , Tony and Luck - 26th Oct to 30th Oct '05
2. Melborne + Sydney with Dessie Gal and his beau - 15th Nov to 29th Nov'05
3. Hongkong for work + 4 days of major shopping therapy - 7th Dec to 16th Dec'05
I am supposed to go to Hongkong for work on 22nd Oct but i gave a white lie to my HK boss..I have really wanted to meet Dorothy and the rest in Bangkok this round. Its a rare opportunity for all of us to take leave at the same block. Besides, this is luck's first trip to Bangok! I am supposed to plan the shopping itinerary , tony in charge of gourmet and Dorothy with Janet - a swanky hotel ! I miss all of them , esp dorothy and Janet. Didnt catch up with them previously as dorothy was admitted to hospital and Janet was busy tending to her.
But before all these holidays, I am going to work hard at work and give my best!
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