Cogs in the Great machine

This book is the 3rd book of Penguin 70th Anniversary Collection. Its marvellous writer - Eric Schlosser, researches on the plight of Texas poultry farmer , and dangerous working condition in the slaughterhouse. With more humanity rights group attesting for more humane killing of the cattles, workers' health care union , in stark contrast, operates in a much subdued watered down manner.
This book implores readers to understand the plight of Texas farmers, poultry slaughter house workers and everyone down the line. The book pleads readers to understand the social impact of merely chewing on a McNugget .
Folks, Do spend some time to read this 58 pages of hard hitting facts. its interesting , with just enough facts to weave your interest. Not too much to bore you.
Most importantly, understand how huge enterprise can monopolise an entire state, and slavish millions of mind.
You can purchase this book at Kinokuniya at appr S$5.00.
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