A great night

I really should be asleep now, having to wake up at 8am for work. But i seem to be flooding with thoughts that i just have to pen it down.
Went to pick a very old friend of mine, eddie , from the airport just now. I have been cancelling his lunch appointments due to work for the last couple of times. Hence, i decided to pick him up from the airport, after his work trip in Korea. We had a disdainful dinner at Swensens as most of the places were closed at ten-ish.
Sweet him bought so much things for me. Sigh..thinks he still treats me like a young kid. Like he said, i will always be that young kid he knew when i was 19. That cute souvenir is from Seoul. Its chewing gums _ 100 of them!, A keychain in HK, from my fave brand Agnes b and a lucky chain , to bring me luck, from Italy. All from different countries during his work trip. Lucky him..to globetrot for free. But on the flip side of the coin, i am sure he is very tired of the jetting and glamor.
I went to his house for a drink, and we chatted for 3 hrs before i realised it was that late.
He said something to me tonight. It makes me ponder much.
When you are young , you can afford to be rash and aggressive. But as you get older, you have to try to mellow down. To listen more. To look around more. Be assertive. Not aggressive. Fight for your own happiness. Dun let misery tempt you into grieve, but not to hope.
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