i am alright ..taking baby steps
I am alright. Apparently, after the last blog entry i received a call and email, asking for my well state. Not super alright. Just taking baby steps to make myself lead a relatively less stressful life. That blog entry was just rumneration of whatever flashed thru my mind. Thats my main worry at blogging these days. My loved ones getting worried about me.
I decided on taking the train ,afterc hanging and dropping my car back, to combat class at Raffles at 7.40pm. It's been quite a while since my last combat. Since Babe left and i became waking up earlier for work, it just got pushed down my priority list.
Like what i said, work will be less stressful for the next two weeks, as it was as a planned leave lieu period. Hence, I have decided to leave zippy car at home and going public for the next two weeks.
Reading on the train, whilst listening to my iVideo. Its great idea. Anyway, the previous song [previous post] by Mayday was discovered when my iVideo shuffled till it. I love the lyrics. Poignant as usual. I love glancing thru my photo albums whenever i am feeling down Those captured the most beautiful moments of my life. This is one pic i love : share it with all you folks.

This is taken Chinese New Year.From Left is my elder bro, my mother and myself. I look so happy at that point of time. I was feeling so blessed. My mum was there. Babe is with me .Dessie was back in my life. And J, he makes it all complete . Though work was a its lowest during the starting of the year, my happiness is dire shown on my face. That is why wherever you see me smiling to myself in the gym or fidgeting with my iVideo , you know those are all happy memories :-)
I hate driving. I become a nerve wreck when the traffic gets bad. Being that super rich brat, i was at that time, I just became this hellraider overnight in my mum's car and ocassionally my bro car. I hit a boy when i was 19. I can still rememberall the blood, My super blank face. When sent to the hospital, his mum cried like there is no tomorrow. I was oblivious to it. I was blank out, standing at the door, wearing bloodstain army uniform. That blank lingered for days.
Henceforth, the only reason i got a car now is solely for work. I need to zip from one place to another for meetings or presentation etc..But after trauma, i becaome a much more slower and safer driver. I get scared to even cut lanes , esp at night.
my little experience .
I decided on taking the train ,afterc hanging and dropping my car back, to combat class at Raffles at 7.40pm. It's been quite a while since my last combat. Since Babe left and i became waking up earlier for work, it just got pushed down my priority list.
Like what i said, work will be less stressful for the next two weeks, as it was as a planned leave lieu period. Hence, I have decided to leave zippy car at home and going public for the next two weeks.
Reading on the train, whilst listening to my iVideo. Its great idea. Anyway, the previous song [previous post] by Mayday was discovered when my iVideo shuffled till it. I love the lyrics. Poignant as usual. I love glancing thru my photo albums whenever i am feeling down Those captured the most beautiful moments of my life. This is one pic i love : share it with all you folks.

This is taken Chinese New Year.From Left is my elder bro, my mother and myself. I look so happy at that point of time. I was feeling so blessed. My mum was there. Babe is with me .Dessie was back in my life. And J, he makes it all complete . Though work was a its lowest during the starting of the year, my happiness is dire shown on my face. That is why wherever you see me smiling to myself in the gym or fidgeting with my iVideo , you know those are all happy memories :-)
I hate driving. I become a nerve wreck when the traffic gets bad. Being that super rich brat, i was at that time, I just became this hellraider overnight in my mum's car and ocassionally my bro car. I hit a boy when i was 19. I can still rememberall the blood, My super blank face. When sent to the hospital, his mum cried like there is no tomorrow. I was oblivious to it. I was blank out, standing at the door, wearing bloodstain army uniform. That blank lingered for days.
Henceforth, the only reason i got a car now is solely for work. I need to zip from one place to another for meetings or presentation etc..But after trauma, i becaome a much more slower and safer driver. I get scared to even cut lanes , esp at night.
my little experience .
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