Yakking with no brains attached
Bitching with no venom = yakking
Bitching with intended pun = pathetic
"Ugliness starts from skin deep." - My brush with two very ugly being in the gym this morning. Rather disturbed to see how some young chaps tick these days. Absolutely no style. I will leave this topic as such. Nothing i can do about ppl I do not know.
Sister Hau lamented that I have not blogged anything serious ever since I came back from HK. I promised him I will squeeze out something more boring and serious tonight.
Now that the mournful streak is nowhere in sight, it seems that i have limited vocabulary to muse with in my entry. That explains everything - Successful writers are perpetually depressed.
fyi : Webcam still grossly not workable. Arghhh...
In the span of 26 years, I have lived most of my time , apart from my family. Family warmth has always been somewhat other's blessing. An emotion that I peer over thru family dinners of close friends.
As such, friendships have always been a source of comfort and warmth. I believed that God is fair to all - With whatever family warmth I am deprived with : friends , from all walks of life, readily fits in.
I have no qualms that I have been fortunate this life. To have meet countless kind souls. Gave me a helping hand during my pits.
I have hope that all my friendship with my good pals last a lifetime.
Most of the time, they do not.
I am sure no one sees friendship as transient.
At different turns of life, ppl have different pursuits.
They begin to have different level of priorites towards friendship.
Or even different expectations towards friendship.
When two friends start to begrudge ,stop to communicate and mete out their needs and wants,
Friendship is somewhat tainted. We become reserved, wary of the other.
It is perfectly fine to behave this way. Its what humans called 'growing old'.
When hopes become scepticism.
When bosom friends blurred to become potential foes.
I have always been greatly affected when I disappoint a friend. I still do.
However,these days, I try to just do what I can and not dwell back.
For if i have even give the best of myself to my friends, I cant do anything more.
With this, I try not to self bash myself too much , if friends decide to divert walking this path with moi.
I will not pursue further.
That is my rule of thumb, for now.
I am still happy.
zj , Samantha and their fren - Rita went cycling at Shatin yesterday. Look how vintage and quaint their bicycles look!

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