Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I was supposed to go to the gym , yoga and getting booze for christmas. I ended up watching Curse of the Golden Flower with EH after gym. Its his day off as well.

I must say the movie is superb. The pairing of Chow Yun Fatt with Gong Li is formidable. Their presence overshadows everybody and anything else. Even the regal set pales in comparison when Chow Yun Fatt and Gong Li came out in gold splendor on the Chrysanthemum festival. Surprisingly, the much hyped up scenes showing bosoms of Gong Li and the chambermaids were not evident in the movie ,as what has been circulating in the media. As the plot thickens, Zhang Yimou captures my attention , as well as EH, with its suspence.

There is a tiny observation after watching this show as compared to The Banquet, starring Ziyi Zhang, in September.

I left the theatre today , mesmerized totally by the formidable acting chops of the two lead cast. Whereas in The Banquet, I was swayed by the setting and cinematography of the movie.


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