" It was about sharks. I learned that they have to keep moving in order to live. It's the only way they can breathe. Forward motion, constantly forcing water through their gills.....The more I was away, the worse it got.I'd come back and couldnt speak the language. Out there the pain was palpable; you breathe in air. Back here, no one talked about life and death. No one seemed to understand. I'd go to movies, see friends, but after a couple days I'd catch myself reading flight schedules, looking for something, somplace to go; a bomb in Afghanistan, a flood in Haiti. I'd become a predator, endlessly gliding in saltwater seas, searching for the scent of blood.
I recently saw a documentary about sharks on the Discovery Channel. Scientists had found a species of shark, a deep-water one, that didnt have to keep moving to stay alive. It can breathe lying still. It can rest. I find that hard to believe. " - Dispatches from the edge, Anderson Cooper
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