This week has been pretty busy. I was busy getting lost as the year comes to a close. There are resolves that I want to push forward but simply cannot see it moving as vice versa.
As much as himbolicious vehemently denies, he is feeling low as he has been incompetent in meeting his resolutions for 2006. Naturally, himbolicious finds instant gratification in retail therapy and spoilt himself silly with an enormous amount of mopping in materialism. So much for "Live and let live."
I am sure I will do better next year. For believing is almost the entire battle survived. And execution will be another year's resolution.
Anyway, on a more serious note. I read it on TIME this week.
The RICHEST 1% of the world population owns 40% of the world's wealth
The POOREST 40% of the world population owns LESS THAN 1% of the world's wealth
I am within that middle 59%. I wish I belong to the richest 1% of world population and I swear I will get Hedi Silmane to design my rubbish bin in alligator leather. I will give all my loved ones an entire Bottega collection for Xmas. Distribute christmas turkey to the poorest 40% before en-routing to UK joining Jon for Xmas and then doing New year pret-a-porter shopping in Milan.
I am swirling in my own fantasies again. Must be the tap water that I drank just now.
I am gibbering whatever ,only, I can comprehend again.
As much as himbolicious vehemently denies, he is feeling low as he has been incompetent in meeting his resolutions for 2006. Naturally, himbolicious finds instant gratification in retail therapy and spoilt himself silly with an enormous amount of mopping in materialism. So much for "Live and let live."
I am sure I will do better next year. For believing is almost the entire battle survived. And execution will be another year's resolution.
Anyway, on a more serious note. I read it on TIME this week.
The RICHEST 1% of the world population owns 40% of the world's wealth
The POOREST 40% of the world population owns LESS THAN 1% of the world's wealth
I am within that middle 59%. I wish I belong to the richest 1% of world population and I swear I will get Hedi Silmane to design my rubbish bin in alligator leather. I will give all my loved ones an entire Bottega collection for Xmas. Distribute christmas turkey to the poorest 40% before en-routing to UK joining Jon for Xmas and then doing New year pret-a-porter shopping in Milan.
I am swirling in my own fantasies again. Must be the tap water that I drank just now.
I am gibbering whatever ,only, I can comprehend again.
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