Kulen Mountain

Thats the enigmatic lady who sits at a quiet corner of Banteay Srei. I asked if I can have her picture taken. She smiled. I offered her a sweet as well. I cant afford to give them money as I brought only three hundred US and the transport and admission charges ate up almost every penny. Moreover, I think its not really polite to give strangers money . Vannez was out of sight when I took this so I cant seem to understand whatever she said. I just smiled used sign language to asked her how she is.

Oh, this two boys are the aspiring kungfu fighters of Kulen Mountain. They are hilarious as they demonstrate their moves to me. I tell Vannez to tell them to be thai boxers instead!

Vannez and I did something really crazy in Kulen Mountain. We stripped to our boxers and swam in the waterfall. Its really crazy as we did not bring any towel or extra boxers to wear. Wesimply waited to dry in the sun! The weather is cool and the water is clear. It was awesome so I dun really bother too much about swimming in boxers! But the boulders were really slippery. I almost slipped when I took this photo.
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