Monday, April 16, 2007

International Friendship Day

The best thing I stumbled to realize about ageing is how much so little things are a matter of life and death.Most of the time, we probably over-react and under-estimate.

A week ago, an old friend of mine and I met for my post birthday dinner celebration. I knew him when I was 21 and now I am 18, so it is about twilight years of friendships, at least to me. We used to be inseparable. But in the folly of my [or our] youth, I overreact and underestimate. It has been the first time in one and a half year since we last spoke that Sunday. A silly misunderstanding, a battle of egos and expectations. Thats all it takes.

16th of April marks International Friendship day. I want to take this opportunity to give due appreciation to all my friends.

I want to thank all of you for accepting me the way I was brought up and came to be. I take this opportunity to want you people to know how much you all meant the world to me.

You, people, are the "little" that meant so much. I love you guys and gals.

I do not want to list names here. But I am sure you people know who you are.


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