Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The lost cause

If we yearn for something badly. So miserably that we will fight for it with all our might - we will just get it.
It will always be a worthy battle. Its simply how well we can tireless endure the endless wait. To begin with, how could we have ever fought for a lost cause.

Now I believe it is as such. Such is life.
The time will arrive when we walk upon a crossroad , thinking we have a choice to trudge forward. More than we expect it to, it is simply a dead end.
It's not the stillness of the dark that will eventually kill us.
But the lingering prick gnawing in our mind that - "this is it".
This is darkness at the end. Not even a gleam of light at sight.

There is nothing we can do. We have to turn back.
However, we can choose if we wanna walk back in dignity or scurry back in despair . No one says walkng away from a dead end is cheating and having frivolous faith in life.
It just have to dawn upon us that we have turn back and look for alternatives in the labyrinth.

Fighting for a lost cause is never wrong.
But know the time to stop and turn back.
It does not belittle our faith in life.
It just shows how much we treasure life.
Perhaps a dead end turns into a new beginning?


I just spoke to titus on my high protein- low carbs diet just now.
It seems that it is one thing I cant turn my back on :=(
Cause if I resume my old diet, I will simply balloon!
I went to bikram yoga on Monday and felt very giddy towards the middle. Its the first time I have experience a dizzy spell while yoga-ing. i will fine-tune my diet in slight.
Hopefully it will be better.


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