" Everyone has that weakness inside themselves. Even you. And once you realize it's there, you will understand your father. AS far as I can tell, there are two types of people. One type doesn't do what they don't want to even if they can. The other type doesnt give up until thaey achieve whatever they want. I cant tell which type is better. What's bad is when you make up excuses to explain what you have or have not done." The Devil's Whisper, Miyuki Miyabe
Though I am a massive fan of Haruki, I have to admit that his latest book - After Dark , was hardly palatable. I couldnt stop when I started on her new book , THe Devil's Whisper. She is rather unique in her way of writing, i have to say. What sufaces to be a detective novel reveals so much more of social issues faced in the current. I like it a lot. In fact, I have been teling everyone about it.

However fictious, this book lingers with an aftertaste of sadness. Especially when you mull over the entire plot. I thought The kite runner was good. This is even better.
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