I just bought this collector's edition of Penguin 70 short stories by different authors. Its at kinokuniya selling at S$350 with 10% discount for members. Its a steal , for avid fans, as some writings have never been published or the titles were never brought in by S'pore ( Esp Gabriel Garcia Marquez & some Albert Camus books).
Some of my favorite great authors , that the collection includes,
1. Roald Dahl - Taste of the unexpected
2. John Steinbeck [ my secondary school literature book author] - Murder
3. F.Scott Fitzergerald - The diamond as big as the ritz
4. Virginia Woolf - Street Haunting
5. Gabriel Garcia Marquez- 17 poisoned Englishmen
6. George Orwell - [ One of my very respected author] - in defence of English cooking
7. Homer -The cave of the cyclops
8. ALBERT CAMUS [Yes, all caps = respected and well loved] - Summer in Algiers
9. Marian Keyes [ Dessie's favorite ] - Nothing ever happen in Tiffany's
10. Nick Hornby [ Babe's favorite] - Otherwise Pandemonium
B : You are coming back for your ICT next month! I am looking forward to working with you again!
K: Wah..10 days, wat you wanna squeeze out of me ? Another PDS report or presentation?
B; Something that i just spearhead..will give you the details once you are back. Why? You excited?
K: Honestly, yes! I miss you all folks. Working with you was the best time of my life , sir .
B: Hey, where is this coming from? I heard you are doing pretty well from CC. Aren't you?
K: I am well. No worries. Its just that I feel lost time to time. It has never been easier all these years.
B: Hey! You have me to count on! Count CC in as well. We are both here, and always proud of you!
My sweet colonel from my army camp called me just now. The above was part of our conversation. And it just make my day [ or night in this case] . Just a bit of background on my relationship with this kind and sweet colonel, Col. B .
I was one of this trouble maker in camp that religiously goes for medical appointments , get all sort of excuse slips during my draft to army.
It was one of the darkest days, when i confess to my parents that i am queer and my family was breaking apart. I was full of angst for everything around me. My whole camp gave up on me, not much that they can do when i was excused , even to be shouted upon. ( Blimey..i cant imagine it now!) Col. B was oblivious to my quaked temperament. He summoned me to his office one fine day when my manpower officer was not in office- asked me to write the minutes for his day's meeting and emailed it to him the next day.
When i stepped into camp the next day, i was , again, summoned to his office. I was trembling then, thought i screwed up the minutes and the presentation he wants. Instead, he was impressed. From that day onwards, I became his PA. We spearhead and incorporate the six stigma, mentoring scheme and PDS into our battalion. It was hard work. But, gradually, it builds up my confidence all over again. I was a soldier that is respected for his commitments. Most importantly, this person taught me so much about life. His persona manifests in his passion in his work and belief in his man. Without him, i may jolly well still be that sunken ship.
Be it your kins, partner or friends. Everyone has that someone in your life that you look upon to. It is with this that we seek strength. To reinforce our core values on wat's right and wrong. To know that we have people there that believe in us.