Sunday, October 30, 2005
Phew..wat a weekend :-)
Juist got back. Need to check my emails , a bit of house chores , and prep for tomo first. Will blog later tonight :-)
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
BKK 26th ~ 30th Oct 05
Reached home close to midnight. Just finished throwing a few clothing into my luggage for my 4D/4N trip. I got my air ticket changed to a late night flight instead of tomorrow morning. Have a meeting that I have to see to. No choice then. Was thinking of bringing my laptop and some documents over to read thru for monday morning presentation. Lamented its a bad idea. Besides , i am coming back sunday evening. Should be able to prep in time for it. In place of my laptop and documents, i am going to bring a book to read. My pals said the pool , at the hotel, is fantastic!
Anyway , this trip is supposed to be a very holistic spa trip. My Hongkong pals , 2 lovely ladies and a queer couple, are nuts over spa. They perpetually tried all the good ones in town. They have helped me booked all the great spa and facial appts etc..Apparently, i do not have any idea where i will put up, cause they arranged everything, least my ticket. They sent a fascimille over, giving me the hotel address in Thai. They are really sweet and considerate. Telling me that they will be waiting for me for supper, after hitting the clubs, of course.
Thats the vibes of Hongkongers. I think all of them are sleepless city dwellers. They can work super hard, and have fun just as intense. I am only half par to them ..heh. But i enjoy their company. Though, they sleep till too late for my liking. I need my morning gym regimen .
Though i am positive that i will have fun and act all silly and himbolicious with all my lovely HK frens with me in BKK. It will be pure bliss. Will take loads of pic back :-)
Anyway , this trip is supposed to be a very holistic spa trip. My Hongkong pals , 2 lovely ladies and a queer couple, are nuts over spa. They perpetually tried all the good ones in town. They have helped me booked all the great spa and facial appts etc..Apparently, i do not have any idea where i will put up, cause they arranged everything, least my ticket. They sent a fascimille over, giving me the hotel address in Thai. They are really sweet and considerate. Telling me that they will be waiting for me for supper, after hitting the clubs, of course.
Thats the vibes of Hongkongers. I think all of them are sleepless city dwellers. They can work super hard, and have fun just as intense. I am only half par to them ..heh. But i enjoy their company. Though, they sleep till too late for my liking. I need my morning gym regimen .
Though i am positive that i will have fun and act all silly and himbolicious with all my lovely HK frens with me in BKK. It will be pure bliss. Will take loads of pic back :-)
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
Had a frustrating day at work today. Have to wake up on Sunday morning and rushed to office at 8 a.m to conduct some interviews. Its disheartening. Four came but wasted hour for me. Wasted years of education for them. I am immenseky irrate with this man , whom is holding a Masters in Linguistics. He doesnt seem to have a tinge of passion in Language. Zero with a capital Z and and an exclamation mark. Sad huh. But i didnt comment much. When asked about the pay and such, i just let my work partner , who is already waiting to send him to the door, politely answered.
It is an increasing phenomenon. Post graduate degree rising in an exponential rate, yet an alarming number have no interest in whatsoever they are pursuing. This calls for concern. When stability is the new hype, or has been the only hype since independence - Viscosity peers through from the other side of the world.
Enough said.
Anyway. Went dinner with kian . Caught the movie 40 year old virgin. And after watching this, it reaffirms my pride of a non-virginal status. Sad life.
It is an increasing phenomenon. Post graduate degree rising in an exponential rate, yet an alarming number have no interest in whatsoever they are pursuing. This calls for concern. When stability is the new hype, or has been the only hype since independence - Viscosity peers through from the other side of the world.
Enough said.
Anyway. Went dinner with kian . Caught the movie 40 year old virgin. And after watching this, it reaffirms my pride of a non-virginal status. Sad life.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Today was another rush. Ended a efficient a.m meeting before whacking the gym. Its wayang show in the gym today, with Jackie Chan visiting the club. I was more bemused by the star-struck gym goers than him arriving. Anyway, i gathered that those ,who were the most forthcoming in being part of the fanfare, happen to have the most frivolous body. Without a pinch of surprise , i could recognise some to be The pose'ers of combat and pump classes.I do not mean to ostracize them. Old-enough them should jolly well know their gym objective. Be it endorphin release or body sculpting, i believe their paunch are getting nowhere, with them munching cookies in between classes and weights training, whipping out their fanciful camera phones for Jackie Chan pics. Anyway, enough of rambling on concerted parties.
After which, i rushed for another work appt that starts at 2pm. Work ended at seven. Went to meet Cheryl and Kian for dinner at Menotti. I didnt have time to try their deserts till today.
I sorta have a bad impression of the eatery this morning when i dialled to reserve a table for dinner. They were downright rude. The bad image was further aggravated when i reached there. The waiters were inattentive as well. Surprisingly, i have gotta very used to blatant customer service in S'pore. I just ordered and enjoyed my company with Cheryl and kian. Despite, i have to admit their deserts are commendable. Company was first grade too :-)

I'd better do a bit of reading before i slumber. I got to work tomo as well. 8 a.m.
After which, i rushed for another work appt that starts at 2pm. Work ended at seven. Went to meet Cheryl and Kian for dinner at Menotti. I didnt have time to try their deserts till today.
I sorta have a bad impression of the eatery this morning when i dialled to reserve a table for dinner. They were downright rude. The bad image was further aggravated when i reached there. The waiters were inattentive as well. Surprisingly, i have gotta very used to blatant customer service in S'pore. I just ordered and enjoyed my company with Cheryl and kian. Despite, i have to admit their deserts are commendable. Company was first grade too :-)

I'd better do a bit of reading before i slumber. I got to work tomo as well. 8 a.m.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Books Shopping
Its amazing how much i can squeeze in 2hrs of lunch time. My meeting ended at 11am. Skipped lunch to run a few errands. 1st stop is definitely Kinokuniya. Below are the books i got this round. Think it will last me the next 2 months. [Bliss]
After which, I went to Hour Glass. I ordered a Chopard last week. Its not here as yet. Apparently , there is a waiting list for happy fish. Hence , I ordered Gerald Genta Mickey mouse [ Courtesy of Patrick] as well. Just to see which i am more destined to get for Christmas.
Finally, I went back to work. There is two observations as i run thru my errands today.
1. I spent and enjoy more time in the bookstore than at Hour Glass. Does it equate that i failed miserably as an aspiring himbo? heh..
2. I should have off my mobile- There were so many disruptions from work. It irrates me.

My books shopping today
1. My fave author - J.M Coetzee , Slow Man
2. Another of my fave author - Gabriel Garcia Marquez, No one writes to the colonel
3. Primo Levi, Moments of reprise
4. New fave author - Jodi picoult, The pact [Babe, you may like this!]
5. Rattawat Lapcharoensap , Sightseeing
6.Chris Binchy , People like us
7. Edward Canfor , The Buddha, Geoff and Me
8. Non fiction book, Tabloid Japan
After which, I went to Hour Glass. I ordered a Chopard last week. Its not here as yet. Apparently , there is a waiting list for happy fish. Hence , I ordered Gerald Genta Mickey mouse [ Courtesy of Patrick] as well. Just to see which i am more destined to get for Christmas.
Finally, I went back to work. There is two observations as i run thru my errands today.
1. I spent and enjoy more time in the bookstore than at Hour Glass. Does it equate that i failed miserably as an aspiring himbo? heh..
2. I should have off my mobile- There were so many disruptions from work. It irrates me.

My books shopping today
1. My fave author - J.M Coetzee , Slow Man
2. Another of my fave author - Gabriel Garcia Marquez, No one writes to the colonel
3. Primo Levi, Moments of reprise
4. New fave author - Jodi picoult, The pact [Babe, you may like this!]
5. Rattawat Lapcharoensap , Sightseeing
6.Chris Binchy , People like us
7. Edward Canfor , The Buddha, Geoff and Me
8. Non fiction book, Tabloid Japan
Friday, October 21, 2005
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Have i ever..
Have i ever told you folks the reason behind my affinity for Tim Burton's movies, esp the recent Charlie and the Chocolate factory?
For the sake of a online post I have read in a random blog, I share my fondness.
In my own simple context , of course :
" There is a man named Charlie. He has a beautiful factory. Everyone is awed. Everyone wants a piece of it. However, Charlie refuses to open his gates for anyone. No one knows the reason behind his eccentricities. No one knows exactly why he coops himself alone in his lavish factory.
One day, he braces himself. Opening his gate, just enough to let five children in. It is diffcult for him. He never know how to deal with people. To him, its something frightening.
As the five kids roam in his beautiful factory. His alter ego starts to appear before him again. He is fazed. He thought his alter ego has long died within him a long time ago. He was wrong.
The five kids unleash all ugliness in him and his factory. His factory and himself are not flawless. They are merely mean machines.
Each and every kid eke a part of Charlie that he wants to forget.
Charlie got angry with the kids. For showing him things that he never wanted to be reminded of.
He tries to get rid of all of them.
Eventually, he realises , rather than cooping hinself in his beautiful factory, facing up to himself is the best remedy.
The magic of Tim Burton is his success in directing this movie. Roald Dahl had this fable behind the children story. Like the Wizard of Oz and Alice in wonderland, not many see the pun in this unrealistic tale.
its a feat for an avid book reader , to be touched by a movie , that has been adapted from a book.
For the sake of a online post I have read in a random blog, I share my fondness.
In my own simple context , of course :
" There is a man named Charlie. He has a beautiful factory. Everyone is awed. Everyone wants a piece of it. However, Charlie refuses to open his gates for anyone. No one knows the reason behind his eccentricities. No one knows exactly why he coops himself alone in his lavish factory.
One day, he braces himself. Opening his gate, just enough to let five children in. It is diffcult for him. He never know how to deal with people. To him, its something frightening.
As the five kids roam in his beautiful factory. His alter ego starts to appear before him again. He is fazed. He thought his alter ego has long died within him a long time ago. He was wrong.
The five kids unleash all ugliness in him and his factory. His factory and himself are not flawless. They are merely mean machines.
Each and every kid eke a part of Charlie that he wants to forget.
Charlie got angry with the kids. For showing him things that he never wanted to be reminded of.
He tries to get rid of all of them.
Eventually, he realises , rather than cooping hinself in his beautiful factory, facing up to himself is the best remedy.
The magic of Tim Burton is his success in directing this movie. Roald Dahl had this fable behind the children story. Like the Wizard of Oz and Alice in wonderland, not many see the pun in this unrealistic tale.
its a feat for an avid book reader , to be touched by a movie , that has been adapted from a book.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
iResolute 'Cont
" 5. Live my life motto- "Live and let live, Life with gusto. Life without regrets"
This is one motto that i have decided to abort for this year. I was told that i can never live up to the motto. I agree.
Life is bound to have regrets. Cause or No cause = effect.
Live and let live - I am not apt for it as yet. I am a sore loser.
The only line that still stands - Life with gusto.
I can still up to this.
This is one motto that i have decided to abort for this year. I was told that i can never live up to the motto. I agree.
Life is bound to have regrets. Cause or No cause = effect.
Live and let live - I am not apt for it as yet. I am a sore loser.
The only line that still stands - Life with gusto.
I can still up to this.
Monday, October 17, 2005
iresolute review
I was driving home tonight when i decide to check on my resolution for 2005. Wanted to check if writing my resolutions was a wasted idea. More so, I wanted to check if I have met my nominal resolute for thie year. Conclusion - Generally, i am quite satisfied with myself. I will want to spend the next 2 months plus to reach my own incomplete benchmark.
Hmm..i am now deciding on the $8900 Chopard or this $9500 Gerald Genta for Christmas. The price difference is marginal. Both are as extravagant as beautiful. Anyway, i got at least two more months to think..perhaps i will receive one for christmas and the other from myself :-) there will be neat!

Hmm..i am now deciding on the $8900 Chopard or this $9500 Gerald Genta for Christmas. The price difference is marginal. Both are as extravagant as beautiful. Anyway, i got at least two more months to think..perhaps i will receive one for christmas and the other from myself :-) there will be neat!

After watching Everlasting Regret
"Adapt, that is what you are going to do. Just as birds and animals must do if they are going to survive. Just like the sparrows and pigeons that have adapted themselves to city life and live on leftovers and rubbbish thrown to them in the streets instead of searching for grains and insects in the field, " Mon Repos explained, "so you wil have to adapt to your new environment."
- Village by the sea , Anita Desai
- Village by the sea , Anita Desai
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Facets of life
Guess I am not catching Ono Lisa concert after all. Actually, i kinda predicted it already - that i will be giving it a miss. Besides, i do not want to go alone hearing Ono Lisa singing Moon River , at the concert hall .
Its good weather today. Cool and breezy, with a shimmer of sun, just enough to feel the warmth of the day.
Went dinner with eddie just now , and after which crappy + gross + racist movie of the year - Deuce Bigalow.
Dinner at Halia Garden was a disappointment. It is more of a continental spread than the local delights that i have been yearning for. Despite, the setting and ambience is cosy.
Our topics today were a bit heavy, leaving both of us feeling rather uncomfortable. Sweet eddie insists that i should spend my fridays to party more and hang out less with old man like him. Nevertheless, i chose the latter. He is just so comforting to be with sometimes. or perhaps i am feeling old and wasted. heh.
In eddie's context :
How would you feel if you caught your partner ,who has been farking you all these while, been screwed by someone else and loving it? Its the same reason why parents, esp fathers, cease to accept their queer son.
Everyone has their deep dark secret. The more you love someone, The less you should try to dig out
Went dinner with eddie just now , and after which crappy + gross + racist movie of the year - Deuce Bigalow.
Dinner at Halia Garden was a disappointment. It is more of a continental spread than the local delights that i have been yearning for. Despite, the setting and ambience is cosy.
Our topics today were a bit heavy, leaving both of us feeling rather uncomfortable. Sweet eddie insists that i should spend my fridays to party more and hang out less with old man like him. Nevertheless, i chose the latter. He is just so comforting to be with sometimes. or perhaps i am feeling old and wasted. heh.
In eddie's context :
How would you feel if you caught your partner ,who has been farking you all these while, been screwed by someone else and loving it? Its the same reason why parents, esp fathers, cease to accept their queer son.
Everyone has their deep dark secret. The more you love someone, The less you should try to dig out
Thursday, October 13, 2005
"You did not even try to give us a chance."
I received a text, from a nice chap last night. I have been pushing away his dinner and movie dates.
Love. Chasing and be chased. It's a vicious cycle.
I am so weary.
I received a text, from a nice chap last night. I have been pushing away his dinner and movie dates.
Love. Chasing and be chased. It's a vicious cycle.
I am so weary.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
An early night.
i finished work at eight tonight. Its the earliest for the past month. i am so happy. :-)
i went to get ticket for the musical - Rent this morning, before work. Its so expensive. and only the most expensive seats seem to have a decent view. No choice I got the best seat, and giving the sistic counter girl my most dazzling smile and chatted with her a little. I got a good seat on the forth row , smack in the middle! Heh..The friendly smile and chat kinda work everytime..even my Quidam ticket..heh..i got a very good view.
The sweet girl gave me a movie booklet for the French movie fest. i love it and the timing is good. Most of the shows that i wanna watch are at 9.15pm. i do not need to rush thru my work for the movies. Will buy the tickets tomorrow.
will blog more on this tomorrow, after i buy the tickets :-)
i went to get ticket for the musical - Rent this morning, before work. Its so expensive. and only the most expensive seats seem to have a decent view. No choice I got the best seat, and giving the sistic counter girl my most dazzling smile and chatted with her a little. I got a good seat on the forth row , smack in the middle! Heh..The friendly smile and chat kinda work everytime..even my Quidam ticket..heh..i got a very good view.
The sweet girl gave me a movie booklet for the French movie fest. i love it and the timing is good. Most of the shows that i wanna watch are at 9.15pm. i do not need to rush thru my work for the movies. Will buy the tickets tomorrow.
will blog more on this tomorrow, after i buy the tickets :-)
Monday, October 10, 2005
Busy week. Busy month.
i am going to buy ticket for Rent tomorrow !

Finalised my schedule for the next two months today. My schedule for the next two months are really exciting :
1. Bangkok with Dorothy, Janet , Tony and Luck - 26th Oct to 30th Oct '05
2. Melborne + Sydney with Dessie Gal and his beau - 15th Nov to 29th Nov'05
3. Hongkong for work + 4 days of major shopping therapy - 7th Dec to 16th Dec'05
I am supposed to go to Hongkong for work on 22nd Oct but i gave a white lie to my HK boss..I have really wanted to meet Dorothy and the rest in Bangkok this round. Its a rare opportunity for all of us to take leave at the same block. Besides, this is luck's first trip to Bangok! I am supposed to plan the shopping itinerary , tony in charge of gourmet and Dorothy with Janet - a swanky hotel ! I miss all of them , esp dorothy and Janet. Didnt catch up with them previously as dorothy was admitted to hospital and Janet was busy tending to her.
But before all these holidays, I am going to work hard at work and give my best!

Finalised my schedule for the next two months today. My schedule for the next two months are really exciting :
1. Bangkok with Dorothy, Janet , Tony and Luck - 26th Oct to 30th Oct '05
2. Melborne + Sydney with Dessie Gal and his beau - 15th Nov to 29th Nov'05
3. Hongkong for work + 4 days of major shopping therapy - 7th Dec to 16th Dec'05
I am supposed to go to Hongkong for work on 22nd Oct but i gave a white lie to my HK boss..I have really wanted to meet Dorothy and the rest in Bangkok this round. Its a rare opportunity for all of us to take leave at the same block. Besides, this is luck's first trip to Bangok! I am supposed to plan the shopping itinerary , tony in charge of gourmet and Dorothy with Janet - a swanky hotel ! I miss all of them , esp dorothy and Janet. Didnt catch up with them previously as dorothy was admitted to hospital and Janet was busy tending to her.
But before all these holidays, I am going to work hard at work and give my best!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
知足 五月天
Saturday, October 08, 2005
A great night

I really should be asleep now, having to wake up at 8am for work. But i seem to be flooding with thoughts that i just have to pen it down.
Went to pick a very old friend of mine, eddie , from the airport just now. I have been cancelling his lunch appointments due to work for the last couple of times. Hence, i decided to pick him up from the airport, after his work trip in Korea. We had a disdainful dinner at Swensens as most of the places were closed at ten-ish.
Sweet him bought so much things for me. Sigh..thinks he still treats me like a young kid. Like he said, i will always be that young kid he knew when i was 19. That cute souvenir is from Seoul. Its chewing gums _ 100 of them!, A keychain in HK, from my fave brand Agnes b and a lucky chain , to bring me luck, from Italy. All from different countries during his work trip. Lucky globetrot for free. But on the flip side of the coin, i am sure he is very tired of the jetting and glamor.
I went to his house for a drink, and we chatted for 3 hrs before i realised it was that late.
He said something to me tonight. It makes me ponder much.
When you are young , you can afford to be rash and aggressive. But as you get older, you have to try to mellow down. To listen more. To look around more. Be assertive. Not aggressive. Fight for your own happiness. Dun let misery tempt you into grieve, but not to hope.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Cogs in the Great machine

This book is the 3rd book of Penguin 70th Anniversary Collection. Its marvellous writer - Eric Schlosser, researches on the plight of Texas poultry farmer , and dangerous working condition in the slaughterhouse. With more humanity rights group attesting for more humane killing of the cattles, workers' health care union , in stark contrast, operates in a much subdued watered down manner.
This book implores readers to understand the plight of Texas farmers, poultry slaughter house workers and everyone down the line. The book pleads readers to understand the social impact of merely chewing on a McNugget .
Folks, Do spend some time to read this 58 pages of hard hitting facts. its interesting , with just enough facts to weave your interest. Not too much to bore you.
Most importantly, understand how huge enterprise can monopolise an entire state, and slavish millions of mind.
You can purchase this book at Kinokuniya at appr S$5.00.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Wanted : Non- Native English teachers
I am looking for teachers/ex-teachers that are able to commit on regular teaching projects for London Teacher Training College.
To have :
1. Have passion in teaching
2. Degree in English Language / Masters in Applied Linguistic or equivalent
3. Experience teaching in a tertiary or non-native English speaker environment
If anyone is keen, or knows anyone that is keen and fits the bill, do get back to me at my email :
Thanks folks! :-)
To have :
1. Have passion in teaching
2. Degree in English Language / Masters in Applied Linguistic or equivalent
3. Experience teaching in a tertiary or non-native English speaker environment
If anyone is keen, or knows anyone that is keen and fits the bill, do get back to me at my email :
Thanks folks! :-)
Sunday, October 02, 2005

I decided to call it a day at 8pm today, though i still have some work to clear. I went to the gym. They changed all the threadmills and i have trouble setting them. I like going gym at that time. the music is no longer blasting and the gym is almost empty. Realised that i am no longer obsessed with my body. Gym time has become an integral part of my life. To destress, to have some quiet time with my music.
I went cd browsing after gym. I bought two cds, as pic above.
I am not a fan of Mayday. But last week, i was listening to the Kl radio station. They were doing this interview with Mayday.
I love the song 知足 .
“如果你爱的人不在因你而笑。可能该时侯放手了。”阿信wrote this song after parting with his gal. he wrote this song. its a little corny. But i love it, for many particular reasons, esp the lyrics.
The other cd is from Alan Tam. its more like a collaboration cd with many of my fave singers. Esp this song. 舊情復熾 by 譚詠麟/關淑怡. I love 關淑怡. Unfortunately , she is in the limelight for only a glimpse.
I have been working very hard for the past week. I have been rushing a lot of deadlines and crafting out some new projects that is in line. It has been for a very long time since I have been so happy immersing myself in work. I am the most productive when i am happy at work. I can finish tons of work even when i am fused. With this new spark in work, i clinch a few good deals for the next work year, just in a matter of 7 productive days. Is it mere luck? I take it as a blessing with a pinch of sheer credit to hard work.
I yearn to go to Botanic Garden next sunday for another lazy afternoon. It oozes tranquility, i can actually sort out a lot of thoughts while strolling in the park. I used to do that whenever i am troubled. These days, i go there , more as to unwind or to think thru work. It helps. The place holds much memories as well.
I have not been discussing my thoughts much to anyone recently. Solely because i am not good at it and i believe if there is nothing we can do to resolve any own issues, who more could aid any assistance. But i am perfectly fine. its just that there are lots on my mind.Just a brief of whatever that has been in my trains of thoughts. For all who care for my well being.
Next year. It is going to be an enthralling year. I can almost see the next half year work plan.
Even though i have declined the position in Hongkong, I have agreed to projects, on an ad hoc basis, after much insistence from HK side. It will be more work, and more trips to mainland China. [Yes, sat morning wake up call is from HK!]
Like what i have said, i have a major project with my ex-lecturer, that is underway. This will occupy another chunk of my time in S'pore. Above that, I am continuing with what i have on hand now , till the former takes off to a more mature level.
In a nutshell, its juggling 3 jobs with ,perhaps, 7days 12 hours work for the first few months of the year. Its actually not what i am looking forward. I mean the time consumption in the jobs.Its madness. I am fine and happy with all the nature of the jobs. In fact, the exposure is what i am anticipating. But i have promised myself to give myself every Sunday off next year or just a day of the week..and i am rather determined to keep to it. But it seems wavering. I am not really fazed about the financial aspect to cutting back on my work hours, but its the responsibilties to uphold , which is what that is diffcult to shake off. I am more worried that i will snap physically..sigh..till i find a compromise to this.
I have been going thru pangs of self reflections bouts actually.
I have always believe that truth prevails.That everything will fall in place, in its own rights. These days, i concur not- It is up to ourselves to make a difference, to uphold the nakedness in the face of truth.
I received an email, stating the well being of my father recently. He is going thru a tough time. After much thoughts and ego turmoil, i have decided to put down my resentment aside. I wrote an email to him. Perhaps, i will make a trip there to visit him, if time permits, soon enough. I am not striving to be some filial son at this juncture. i am not apt for this sort. it is just that there is not a need to brood over whatever could be ,have been. We just have to learn to let go of these bad vibes. let go. it will make us feel better. Not necessarily a better person. Just a little less pent up.
i think i wrote too much. i 'd better stop here.
nite folks.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Got woken up by a work call at 6.30am!!!! Arghh..i need ny rest before meeting at 9am. Doesnt these ppl know that most ppl do not operate like a 24hr call center ? Damn @#%$Y
Yes. the call lasted for ONEhour!!!
Yes. the call lasted for ONEhour!!!
shiity busy. shitty tired. Strangely, i feel lighter. not that zapped up. many things that make me feel happier these days.
I am gonna sleep soon. i dun wanna sleep too late these days. i dun wanna fall sick. i realise ill health is the worst torture of living life. i am eating more fruits , exercising more moderately, trying to keep tabs to take my meals more regularly by setting a reminder at my mobile. [but i missed it today as i left my mobile in the car..heh]
Anyway, was listening to this kl cantonese radio station. They were doing an interview with Jacky Cheung. He was asked which lead actress was his fave to work with in snow.wolf.lake. Blase reply he gave- Everyone is great. But he prefer someone lighter as there is a scenario in which he has to sing the entire song while hugging the "injured" lead actress.
Heh..i like his answer. Practical .
I am gonna sleep soon. i dun wanna sleep too late these days. i dun wanna fall sick. i realise ill health is the worst torture of living life. i am eating more fruits , exercising more moderately, trying to keep tabs to take my meals more regularly by setting a reminder at my mobile. [but i missed it today as i left my mobile in the car..heh]
Anyway, was listening to this kl cantonese radio station. They were doing an interview with Jacky Cheung. He was asked which lead actress was his fave to work with in snow.wolf.lake. Blase reply he gave- Everyone is great. But he prefer someone lighter as there is a scenario in which he has to sing the entire song while hugging the "injured" lead actress.
Heh..i like his answer. Practical .